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Planning Portal visit the House of Lords to celebrate 20 years of service 

On 27 February, Planning Portal had the pleasure of celebrating our 20th Anniversary at the House of Lords, sharing the occasion with many of our customers, partners and colleagues who have supported us over the years. 

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Planning news – 9 March 2023

Our planning news is published in association with The Planner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Government proposes rise in planning fees
The government has published a consultation seeking views on proposals to increase planning fees for all planning applications in England.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Supreme Court protects public green space after five-year legal battle
The Supreme Court has ruled that Shropshire Council cannot allow the development of a Shrewsbury park protected by a 100-year-old statutory trust, in what could be a landmark decision for the protection of public green space.
Ben Gosling, The Planner

Luton Airport DCO submitted to the Planning Inspectorate
A development consent order (DCO) application has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by Luton Rising, the Luton Council company that owns London Luton Airport.
Prithvi Pandya, The Planner

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, and TerraQuest and Planning Portal want to take this opportunity to shine the spotlight on the many talented women we have working within our organisation.

Without the outstanding contributions of the women who work within the digital industries, neither TerraQuest nor the Planning Portal would be where we are today. The women who work with us have helped to transform the company’s vision over the years and have not only developed but pioneered many of our biggest achievements.

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Planning news – 2 March 2023

Our planning news is published in association with The Planner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Mandatory BNG to apply from November 2023
The government has announced that developers in England will be required to deliver 10 per cent biodiversity net gain (BNG) when building housing, industrial or commercial developments from November this year.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Powys chicken farm permission paused over possible ministerial intervention
The Welsh Government has intervened over proposals for a chicken farm near Newtown, which had been backed by Powys County Council members.
Roger Milne, The Planner

Court rules that appellant loses right to appeal if claiming bankruptcy
The High Court has ruled that an individual who has declared bankruptcy cannot pursue a section 289 appeal.
Ben Gosling, The Planner

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Continuing improvements to the Planning Portal in 2023

Following on from the welcomed enhancements we have introduced into the Planning Portal in the last year, we are eager to share our plans for further changes for the year ahead. Never ones to shy away from a challenge, our Solutions Team at TerraQuest has been looking for exactly that – solutions.  Namely, how we can improve the user journey and reduce the likelihood of applicants submitting invalid planning applications, thus reducing further validation effort for Local Authorities; saving precious time and money for everyone. 

So, to achieve this, what does our development plan look like for this year?  

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Planning news – 23 February 2023

Our planning news is published in association with The Planner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

South West council halts discussions on local plan
East Devon District Council has paused discussions on its local plan while the government consults on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), joining a number of other councils to do so.
Laura Edgar and Huw Morris, The Planner

DCO granted for A47 dualling scheme near Peterborough
A scheme by National Highways to construct 2.6km of dual carriageway largely offline of the A47 near Peterborough has been granted a development consent order (DCO) by transport minister Huw Merriman.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Wales ‘raises the bar’ on road building projects
The deputy climate change minister for Wales, Lee Waters, has set out the country’s direction for the future of transport in Wales, putting climate change at the heart of decision-making.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

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January’s Market Insight Report is now available

There was a total of 48,107 applications submitted through the Planning Portal in January 2023.

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Planning Portal 12-month improvement journey 

In 2022, we built the foundations of our new application service, allowing us to expand, add new features and improve functionality. A year on from the launch of the in-house developed Planning Portal, we have continually improved the system to benefit all our users. Of course, we won’t stop here – there are many more enhancements in the pipeline, so look out for updates about what is ahead. 

Read on to see the changes we have made over the last 12 months… 

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Planning news – 16 February 2023

Our planning news is published in association with The Planner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Khan orders second staircases for tall residential applications
All planning applications for residential buildings above 30 metres must now include a second staircase under a move by London mayor Sadiq Khan.
Huw Morris, The Planner

Planning applications achieve 84 per cent success rate
Almost 24,500 planning applications were made across the UK on average each month in 2022 with 84 per cent of them securing permission, according to an analysis.
Huw Morris, The Planner

London council seeks to create design panel
Westminster City Council has announced plans to launch a design review panel for major developments.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

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Planning news – 9 February 2023

Our planning news is published in association with ThePlanner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Government aims to create and restore 500,000 hectares of wildlife habitats
Environment secretary Dr Thérèse Coffey has set out the government’s Environmental Improvement Plan 2023, which commits the government to creating and restoring at least 500,000 hectares of wildlife habitats.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Framework for greener cities set out
Natural England has launched a new tool to increase green cover in towns and cities to 40 per cent.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Industrial estate plans approved in the Midlands
Coventry City Council has granted planning permission for plans to transform Stonebridge Trading Estate on Rowley Drive.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

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