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Addressing invalidation due to location plan errors

In this instalment detailing future enhancements to the Planning Portal, we look at application invalidation, why it’s an issue, and how we will help to overcome it with the introduction to the service of the location plan feature.

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Our response to recent consultations

Planning Portal are staying up to date with the current influx of government planning consultations, to ensure that we respond where relevant and identify where future updates to our content and online services may be required. 

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Biodiversity net gain regulations to come into force in November 

Please note: This is an older article on biodiversity net gain. To find out the latest information, please read our current blog post on the subject.

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Local Authority changes from 1 April 2023

A local government reorganisation that takes effect on 1 April 2023 will see structural changes to Local Authorities in Cumbria, North Yorkshire, and Somerset. These will all see the current, separate, district and county level authorities replaced by new larger unitary ones. 

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Planning news – 23 March 2023

Our planning news is published in association with The Planner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Housing minister announces skills boost for planning authorities
Housing minister Rachel Maclean has announced the allocation of £1 million in funding to recruit more skilled planning professionals to local councils.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Hunt announces 12 ‘refocused’ investment zones
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has committed to establishing 12 investment zones in the Spring Budget (15 March).
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Ports need adapting to deliver floating offshore wind
Eleven UK ports need to be transformed ‘as fast as possible’ into industrial hubs so floating offshore wind can be rolled out at scale.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

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Upcoming service charge increase

Our annual service charge increase normally happens on 1 April but has been delayed this year and will be introduced at the same time as our new location plan feature in early May.

This new feature is the next big change to tackle the main causes of invalid applications. The first of which was the introduction in 2018 of the standard payment service for all planning applications in England. This saw a major improvement in efficiency and reduction in the number of applications invalid due to a missing fee.

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February’s Market Insight Report is now available

There was a total of 49,968 applications submitted through the Planning Portal in February 2023.

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Planning news – 16 March 2023

Our planning news is published in association with The Planner, the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Money to deliver new building safety standards announced
The government is to allocate £42 million over the next three years to support the delivery of new standards for managing building safety for higher-risk buildings set out in the Building Safety Act 2022.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

Masterplan for Earls Court outlined
The Earls Court Development Company (ECDC) has published a draft masterplan for the redevelopment of a largely derelict 40-acre site in Zone 1 London.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

8,500 garden village homes approved
East Herts District Council has granted planning permission for 8,500 homes delivered across six garden villages.
Laura Edgar, The Planner

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Spotlight on… our work to continue reducing invalid applications

Following on from our series of updates about past and future improvements to the Planning Portal, you will already know that we constantly strive to help reduce the number of planning applications which are invalid due to missing information. The introduction of a payment service to the Planning Portal significantly reduced the number of missing payments. Now, inaccurate location plans remain the single biggest cause of invalid applications.

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Planning Portal visit the House of Lords to celebrate 20 years of service 

On 27 February, Planning Portal had the pleasure of celebrating our 20th Anniversary at the House of Lords, sharing the occasion with many of our customers, partners and colleagues who have supported us over the years. 

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