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Energy saving advice for homeowners 

by on June 24, 2024

Many of us have seen our energy bills rise over recent years, adding financial pressure to households already battling the continuing cost of living crisis. It seems that now more than ever it’s crucial for you to understand all the methods available for optimising the efficiency of your property.

There are many ways to improve the efficiency of your home or building project – from upgrading your boiler, to ensuring the walls, lofts and floors are properly insulated and making sure the windows are double, if not triple, glazed.

Measures like these significantly reduce your carbon footprint and are likely to become increasingly critical as we gear up to reach national carbon neutral ambitions.

To help you get to grips with your options, we’ve compiled all the information on energy-saving measures into succinct, user-friendly guides, demystifying the options and empowering you to make sustainable choices for your home. Visit our Sustainability Hub to find out more.

Whether you’re renovating or building something new – if you’re planning a project, don’t overlook these essential energy saving methods:

  • Glazing: double and triple glazing traps air between two glass panes, creating an insulating barrier that minimizes heat loss, as well as noise and condensation.
  • Loft insulation: properties without insulated lofts could be losing up to a third of their heat through their roofs.
  • Cavity wall insultation: most houses built after 1920 have cavity walls. If your property has unfilled cavity walls, a considerable amount of heat will escape through the walls.
  • Solid wall insulation: if your property has solid walls, these walls need to be insulated on the inside or outside to prevent considerable heat loss.
  • Floor insulation: timber floors can be insulated by lifting the floorboards and placing insulation supported by netting between the joists. You can use silicone sealant to fill gaps between floorboards and skirting boards to prevent draughts.
  • Efficient heating and hot water solutions: using a high efficiency condensing boiler with heating controls can save you substantial money, as well as reducing your home’s emissions.

Visit our Sustainability Hub for more in-depth information on energy saving methods for your home.

Worried about the cost?

If you’re worried about financing upgrades to your current energy saving provisions, there is a range of financial assistance available from the government to help homeowners, and in some case renters, improve the efficiency of their properties, including for insulation and double glazing.

Find out more about sustainability grants and funding.

Need a builder?

Head over to our ‘Find a Trade Professional’ page to find a trusted professional to help you carry out your project.

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